Let me just start by stating the fan-freaking-tastic news- THE STOLEN CANNONBALL MOTORCYCLES WERE RECOVERED TODAY. But… how were they found?
Evening Post- August 12, 1899, “Thrashed by a Lady Cyclist”. An extraordinary scene was witnessed on Saturday morning in Peel Lane, a thoroughfare connecting Little Hulton with Tyldesley, in which the principal participants were a young lady cyclist and a youth of nineteen or twenty. The lady was riding at a good pace, and when in a quiet part of the road the young man, who had apparently been imbibing, stepped into the roadway, and, addressing some insulting remarks to the cyclist, made as if he intended pulling her off the machine…. Continue Reading »
Evening Post- August 12, 1899, “Thrashed by a Lady Cyclist”. An extraordinary scene was witnessed on Saturday morning in Peel Lane, a thoroughfare connecting Little Hulton with Tyldesley, in which the principal participants were a young lady cyclist and a youth of nineteen or twenty. The lady was riding at a good pace, and when in a quiet part of the road the young man, who had apparently been imbibing, stepped into the roadway, and, addressing some insulting remarks to the cyclist, made as if he intended pulling her off the machine…. Continue Reading »