GET OFF THE PHONE MOTHERFUCKER! retro art (found at Born Free 5) featuring a very, very angry motorcyclist.
At first I almost wanted to avoid posting the video of the SUV running over the motorcyclist and then getting pulled out of his car because it was all over the internet already and I’m really not one to “beat a dead horse”. However, after countless people have sent it to be or asked my opinion I figured it’s time to unleash the verbal beat down (on everyone involved). Every report I’ve read about it on huge news sites has been incredibly biased. Post script addition: Seriously people, I’m not on the… Continue Reading »
Can anyone identify this man? Perhaps one of you works with him somewhere in the Seattle/Tri-Cities area… and can look him dead in the face and remind him that motorcyclists are people too? And that what he did was not only life threatening, but absolutely sociopathic? The definition of a sociopath is, “a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience” (from Dicationary.com). This behavior, the “I will f*** you up” threat, combined with “you need to learn… Continue Reading »
Protecting yourself isn’t just about a helmet, gear with proper armor, or real rider training… I witness us two wheeled travelers arguing about helmet laws, lane splitting, and so many other I saw a video on youtube yesterday that really made me sick to my stomach- it was footage from a rider’s helmet cam that showed him slowing in traffic to allow a car to merge followed by him being rear ended by a police officer. The shocking part? The officer then ripped him a new one, yelling about how he was… Continue Reading »