Nope. The Hella Heartbreaker jacket is what I’m giving away this contest. Sorry, homeskillet. On that note… you can still participate. Send me a pic! Second and third place are still notable titles!
Yes, I am suggesting them. Firstly, she said starter sportbike not starter motorcycle, so I didn’t want to asssume. But regardless, as someone who has ridden all of the bikes I mentioned, I actually have my own opinion on what is easier to ride. A Monster for instance has a very torquey in lower RPM’s and it can be really uncomfortable at slow speeds. They are kind of top heavy and don’t have the best turning radius, so they can be daunting for a new rider when parked. A CBR is extremely… Continue Reading »
Define starter for me? Are you looking for something light, or something small? Do you want it to be fast? A Ninja can be good, I know lots of people who love them. I thought the CBR 600 was awesome, though does have a lot of power you can grow into. It was also very light. A lot of ladies also like GSXR’s and they’re quite fun to ride. Pretty light too. Also, Monster 696’s are very popular with the ladies as new bikes and first sport bikes. Though they’re not quite sportbikes,… Continue Reading »
Since I don’t know the answer to this I would a) call a Ducati dealership (MotoCorsa– the one I work at is awesome…. 503.292.7488) or b) Have someone fabricate one for you. Hope that helps… sorry I don’t know more. Oh and thanks for the compliment! Okay POST SCRIPT: Hey douchebag who wrote me an anonymous msg- “Fabricate a hub? lol yeah right.” I’m fuckin’ tired and I read it wrong so give me a break.
I love Royal Enfields. I’ve heard that they’re really fun in other countries on all kinds of back roads, for put-putting around the city here, etc. The first time I heard about these bikes was before I rode, a friend told me about a Diesel motorcycle in Portland someone had converted to bio-diesel. I was immediately in love. Back to the classic gas consuming little retro styled motorcycles. Again, I love them. I can’t speak for their reliability, overall ability to be worked on, etc… but I’ve known quite a few people… Continue Reading »
Hello! Glad you’re finally getting a bike. That being said, I’m not a good person to ask about Harleys. I’ve heard tons of bad and some enthusiastic good from their fans, and I’ve formed my own opinions on them based on that and the short amount of time I’ve spent on one. I would love if some of my readers would chime in here, as many of you might have better feedback to this question. Leave a comment on this post with your 2 cents!
You mean these shirts? We actually have the black t-shirt version I was wearing, along with tank tops in black and white. ….I would love to let you know directly, but you signed ‘anonymous’. We have the shirts for sale at my work, MotoCorsa. You can order them right now for $15. Find our contact info on the website or get in touch with me and I’ll make sure we get you one. But this time, leave your contact info!