Behind the scenes goodness from the Motorcyclist Magazine + MotoLady Ducati Scrambler article and photoshoot.
Capes caught in wheels, baby burnouts, moped stunting, and explosions. This video has it all… and more. Tigerman 2 features a stunter named, you guessed it, Tigerman… and his trusty moped that takes quite a beating. The whole video is almost one big blooper reel, and it’s perfect that way. Our moped hero’s cape breaks loose more than once, getting caught in his wheel and sprocket. I laughed so hard I cried! Take a look. more videos | stuff to make you LOL | source ▲
Can you imagine a road system that lights up, saves money, warns you of debris ahead, melts snow and ice, pays for our electricity and cuts greenhouse gasses by up to 75%? It could be possible with these roadways made of hexagonal weight-sensitive solar panels. You could be riding through the canyons, and a programmed DEBRIS / SLOW warning could light up to let you now there’s a boulder that fell in the road! CAN YOU IMAGINE?! That could then send a message to officials and they could be sent out to… Continue Reading »
Sometimes I don’t go into great detail about events I’ve gone to and folks I’ve met because awesome magazines and blogs have picked ‘em up to share with the world. Like these exclusive images from the One Motorcycle show in Sportbikes Inc. Magazine’s April 2014 issue. Don’t worry, you can check it out for free on the Sportbikes Inc website. [ more posts from the One Moto Show 2014 ]