Tamara Raye rides two-up on her Triumph, her lady friend Michelle sitting pillion, on their way to Babes in Borrego. Photo by Jennie Warren. [ more tagged Triumph | IG @TamaraRaye ]
[Semi-NSFW warning] Lanakila MacNaughton, photographer extraordinaire, had her gallery premier of the Women’s Motorcycle Exhibit in Portland at See See Motor Coffee on July 12th, 2013. Lana photographs real women who ride, stripped down (sometimes literally, always figuratively) and embracing the freedom of riding, being a woman, and having the ability to do what they damn well please. Well, at least that’s the vibe I get from it. Asked to photograph the ride to the show, I called up my friend Tony (who has a nice sissy bar on his bike, great… Continue Reading »
Today I met a wonderful chap from Canada- Tamlyn Beesley is on a 40 day motorcycle road trip and when he passed through Portland briefly we met up for coffee at See See! He told me tales of the 108 degree Mojave, and first gear turns of Bible Creek Rd in Oregon (which I had never been on… gasp). It’s always nice meeting people on their road trips, even if it makes me a bit jealous. Click the photos for captions, and check this link for his photo journal.
Check out the trailer for 100min long movie ‘Girl Meets Bike’ coming soon! A high school shop teacher buys her first motorcycle with her wedding dress money, leading her away from her controlling fiancé into a new circle of motorcycle friends who are attracted but threatened by her new found freedom. As she learns to ride, she must interpret their offers of riding advice: are they subtle forms of control? Or crucial knowledge, without which she might get herself killed? The quote “Now you’re on your own just like you wanted. No… Continue Reading »