This is Missy Meyers from Philadelphia- she wrenches on her vintage Honda herself. Thanks to Sasha from Cafe Racer XXX (caferacerxxx.com) for sending me the photo! [ more vintage | Honda | submissions ]
This is Chips Jing on her Kawasaki W400. She represents the rare few lady riders in the custom, vintage and classic scene in Singapore. This image is part of a collection of photographs for Project Lion City Rides, in the effort to publish the first motorcycle photo book in Singapore featuring custom, vintage and classic rides. Project City Rides page | Photographer Juffry Joihani website [ more real women who ride | more submissions ]
This is what your site looks like on all my devices except my phone. I have noticed that a number of tumblrs look the same way. Seems that a number of those are using the brutal simplicity theme (whatever that is). Opened it this morning and it looked great. This afternoon it’s back to crap.Not to worry however runcible spoons have not kept me from perusing all posts. Just wondering if it’s only me or has anyone else been experiencing this for about the last week? A barely computer literate follower –… Continue Reading »
One of the cooler submissions I’ve received in a long time… I was spotted on the freeway blasting around on Pandora! How cool! AHHH: I live in Washington, DC, and I have been following the Monster project and your blog for years now. I’ve been staying in San Diego for the past week, and today, I was driving my brother’s car [NOT MY SCRAMBLER ] on 5N. In my mirror, I saw a bike coming up. I see that the handlebars and the front light are RAD, and even before it… Continue Reading »
One of the cooler submissions I’ve received in a long time… I was spotted on the freeway blasting around on Pandora! How cool! AHHH: I live in Washington, DC, and I have been following the Monster project and your blog for years now. I’ve been staying in San Diego for the past week, and today, I was driving my brother’s car [NOT MY SCRAMBLER ] on 5N. In my mirror, I saw a bike coming up. I see that the handlebars and the front light are RAD, and even before it… Continue Reading »
It’s really cool seeing other retro-ish Monster builds out there. Simone de Ranieri from Pisa, Italy sent me these photos of his Ducati Monster build. Much like the beginnings of my bike, his was a little rough around the edges. Definitely something to be excited about in the ‘after’ state, however. Here are some photos from the process. Nice 60’s style Ducati logo. Gotta dig the black accents on the bottom part of the tank that give it slightly different (unique) lines when back on the bike. Build pic slideshow- Thanks for sending,… Continue Reading »