Reviewing the MotoLady three year anniversary party where the Monster Project was officially revealed! Awesome raffle prizes, food, beer, bikes, and great music!
Some more photos from my photoshoot with the amazingly talented Lanakila MacNaughton for the Women’s Moto Exhibit (website). Gear breakdown for those of you curious- sporting UglyBROS USA jeans (Twiggy and Ton-Up), Icon 1000 Akorp jacket (review here), Icon Elsinore boots, and Icon Airmada stack helmet. Major thanks yet again to Tim & Isaac (owners of Trophy Motorcycles) for the bitchin’ 1970 Triumph to ride. [ more photos from Lanakila MacNaughton ]
Behind the scenes shots from Lanakila‘s shoot yesterday for her ongoing project the Women’s Motorcycle Exhibit (website). She creates portraits of real women who ride, showing their personalities, styles, and passion for motorcycling through medium format film photographs. The owners of Trophy Motorcycles (vintage European moto shop in San Diego- website), Isaac and Tim, were kind enough to lend out two vintage Triumph desert sleds for the shoot. Isaac picked me up in the AM and we drove out to Temecula in his classy Ford truck. The drive was lovely, and I… Continue Reading »
Behind the scenes shots from Lanakila‘s shoot yesterday for her ongoing project the Women’s Motorcycle Exhibit (website). She creates portraits of real women who ride, showing their personalities, styles, and passion for motorcycling through medium format film photographs. The owners of Trophy Motorcycles (vintage European moto shop in San Diego- website), Isaac and Tim, were kind enough to lend out two vintage Triumph desert sleds for the shoot. Isaac picked me up in the AM and we drove out to Temecula in his classy Ford truck. The drive was lovely, and I… Continue Reading »
Felt the love in San Diego- seems like a place where people’s hearts are as warm as the weather. A great, budding motorcycle community that could explode at any instant. Constantly nice riding weather, cool shops abound… why don’t I live there again? Erik Borowitz, co-owner of Cerberus Motorcycles, even took me around town on a little 1982 Honda Ascot FT500 (big thanks to Dave Hargreaves for the loan) so I got to see some sights and eat some awesome food at Pokez. Some various highlights before I unleash you into the… Continue Reading »