Emma’s Chin Bruise, 3/4 helmets leave you open to injury
A lesson to be learned from a lovely lady- why you should wear a full face helmet.
This is not an invitation to lecture the very awesome Emma Bass- she kindly allowed me to post these photos to help educate y’all with some real life stuff.
No, you don’t have to wear gear, a full face helmet, or gloves when you ride. You can get away with a DOT half helmet (aka skull bucket or skid lid) paired with shorts and flip flops. But please please please realize that cars and their drivers are unpredictable, unaware, and often aggressive.
A Dodge Ram attempted to blast across four lanes of traffic right in front of her and her Triumph Bonneville, leaving her bike embedded in the side of the truck. She was traveling the speed limit (35mph) and was not lane splitting (it is legal in California). She is extremely lucky to have escaped with minor bruises, including this one to her chin.

Emma’s Bonneville motorcycle embedded in a truck
Ever look back at photos from trips and realize that you don’t have any with your motorcycle? Photos with people included are way more memorable, even though we love looking at our sexy machines. Amanda Zito and I made a little how-to video with tips and tricks for snapping photos of you on your bike!
Tags: 3/4 helmet, accident, emma bass, full face, gear, helmet, injury, motorcycle, motorcycles, real, safety, triumph, triumph bonneville, wreck
Posted on August 26, 2012 in Gear & Gizmos, MotoLadies by Alicia Mariah Elfving