A goodbye to my friend Jessi Combs— educator, welder and fabricator, land speed record holder, motorcycle builder, TV show host, off-road racer, Queen of the Hammers, beautiful, bad ass, intelligent woman.
Trouble in San Diego- early this morning a light colored Cadillac sedan with a male driver crossed over into oncoming traffic and hit a motorcyclist. The 32 year old motorcyclist was killed, his passenger injured, and the caddy fleed the scene. Keep an eye out for a white or light colored four door Cadillac with fron driver-side damage and call the Police if you see the asshole. I wish there was more info on the suspect, but alas… that’s all there is. Original article on CBS8 »
RIP Kurt Caselli (1983-2013)- word’s travelled that he passed away from head trauma at the Baja 1000. One of my favorite races and mediums, I wanted to pay respect to this inspirational rider for KTM. My heart goes out to his family, this stuff is always a surprise and never easy. At least we all know he lived doing what he loved.
Protecting yourself isn’t just about a helmet, gear with proper armor, or real rider training… I witness us two wheeled travelers arguing about helmet laws, lane splitting, and so many other I saw a video on youtube yesterday that really made me sick to my stomach- it was footage from a rider’s helmet cam that showed him slowing in traffic to allow a car to merge followed by him being rear ended by a police officer. The shocking part? The officer then ripped him a new one, yelling about how he was… Continue Reading »
Owner of Century Motorcycles, Cindy Rutherford, amazing motolady and vibrant spirit passed away today. It’s hitting the motorcycle industry hard as we all tear up remembering her amazing qualities. We need more women like Cindy in the world. Rest in peace, you bad mamma jamma. <3 And yeah, fuck cancer.