Um, so the Honda RC-51 is a fun bike… no surprise there eh?
At the end of December I like to look back at the analytics for the website and combine the most popular posts with my favorite achievements/events to review the year. A lot of stuff happened in the MotoLady world and website in 2014- I finished the Monster (finally), released the new website, and so much more. Read on and click through the links for some highlights.
The first Southern California motolady party- plus the launch of the completed Monster Project! The raffle was huuuuge, attendance was great- live music, Sailor Jerry, and riding my Monster out of Deus at the end of the night. Good stuff.
Just after the Monster was finished I hauled it up to Portland for the One Motorcycle Show, which ended up being a sort of snowpocalypse and my bike ended up turning into an ice sculpture. Finally getting it cleaned off and set up at the show was awesome, though.
One of the highlights of the four years I’ve been doing this website- shooting with the talented Shaik Ridzwan for BikeEXIF.
There’s so many other posts I could link, but instead, here’s some random photo highlights from the year.
Oh and of course, we can’t forget the recently completed DualSporty Project.
Huge thanks to everyone for your support this past year- it was an adventure for sure! Can’t wait for all the coming projects of 2015.
Posted on January 1, 2015 in Blog, Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving
I’m Stefano from Italy, and I have discovered this site in the 2014. I’d like make you the congratulations for this site. Specially for the passion for any kind of motorcycles, for the beautiful photos and even in general for the intelligent approach to the world of motorcycles.