I received this note from a reader recently, and wanted to expand on her comments. Firstly, thank you Becca for the kind words. Super awesome to hear you wrench and ride yourself. You are definitely not alone!
It’s easy to take things for granted in life, and Thanksgiving is the North American Holiday to give thanks and realize what you’ve got in life. These last few months have been sort of a whirlwind for me, and while I’ve been busier than ever I’ve been able to finally do some of the things that really make me happy. Riding in another country (hopefully many others soon to come), road tripping through the West Coast up the 101, moving to SoCal and riding in the sunshine. In other words, today I’m… Continue Reading »
Sid and his drunken late night comment happened to win him this one of a kind print from photographer GIles Clement! Sometimes it pays to follow the directions- he signed up for the MotoLady email bulletin and then left a note about how he found the website as directed for Day 5 of Seven Days of Giveaways. A random number then left him victorious! To be brutally honest, I found you because I was looking for nice wallpapers of real chicks on bikes, rather than photoshopped bimbos. Looked around for a while and… Continue Reading »
Awesome snow moto photo by Willard Chivers of Twisted Label. I found Moto Lady some time last year while researching for a photo shoot. It made it on to my RSS reader and I always look forward to all the cool stuff you post. I finally got to do my own moto lady shoot and wanted to share it with you since this blog is my primary source for motorcycle imagery inspiration. Credits go to me at twistedlabel.com Thanks for the awesome submission and super flattering compliments, Will! As for more background on the image- Willard… Continue Reading »
Aw, wow! What an awesome gift to get out of the blue! You are a very lucky woman… give that man a high five for me! Thank you for writing… I’m glad I can help stir up some of that motorcycling passion for you. One way to do it yourself is to ride more, though. Go for a ride the way you feel comfortable… even if just around your neighborhood sometimes. When I first got my bike, I’d go for five mile jaunts after I got home for work since something… Continue Reading »
Firstly… thanks for writing! A) Tumblr ask form doesn’t allow you to include links, but you can always use the submit page… then you can your email or whathaveyou. Or you could leave a comment on any of the pages with a plethora of logins (disqus, facebook, etc). Or you can email me… just delete the spaces out of this address and bam -> alicia @ themotolady.comB) I am aware of pinterest, though I have not used it very much. Mostly because I’ve already got about 800 other sites I use and… Continue Reading »
Firstly… thanks for writing! A) Tumblr ask form doesn’t allow you to include links, but you can always use the submit page… then you can your email or whathaveyou. Or you could leave a comment on any of the pages with a plethora of logins (disqus, facebook, etc). Or you can email me… just delete the spaces out of this address and bam -> alicia @ themotolady.comB) I am aware of pinterest, though I have not used it very much. Mostly because I’ve already got about 800 other sites I use and… Continue Reading »